Compatibility | Q&A

Compatibility is always important. Here are some general things that may be helpful to know in that regard.
These are things I find appealing..
Takes care of himself/herself
Is between the age of 25 and 75 years old
Is kind and courteous towards others
Believes an intellectual connection is as important as the physical
Always values our time together
These are things I can do without...
Doesn't take care of himself/herself
Doesn't value my time
Is too busy critiquing our date to be present
Feels the need to gossip about other consorts
Feels he or she is too important for the screening process
- If the latter is true, we may not be the best match. You may want to continue your search elsewhere.

Q: Do you have reviews?
A: Currently, I do not have reviews live on the internet. I find the process degrading and in opposition to having an authentic experience. I have copies of previous profiles. When I removed myself from such platforms. I had been reviewed more than 120 times with an overall average of 9.3. If it's something important to you. I am happy to discuss this further. You'll find a wealth of information from other sources for my validity.
Q: Where do you like to dine?
A: I'm a bit of a foodie. I love Sushi, Seafood, Mediterranean. I enjoy trying new things.
Q: Do you accept ongoing arrangements?
A: I have had some clients for over a decade. I'm happy to see them whenever I am able. I do not partake in Sugar Daddy-type arrangements.
Q: Can I fly you to me?
A: Yes! I am open to any new adventure. Discussing the specifics together is best to see if logistics will work.
​Q: I'm new to this without references. Is that ok?
A: Yes. We will work together to ensure we are comfortable before spending time together.
Q: Do you give referrals?
A: I am happy to help with references and introductions whenever possible. Just ask!